About us
To All Nations e.V. is a Christian mission and aid organization that is recognized as a non-profit and charitable organization. The main focus of its activities is the spreading of the Christian faith and its values and the provision of humanitarian aid. To this end, a total of approximately 500 German and local employees and many more volunteers work in more than 30 countries.
To All Nations e.V. is a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft evangelikaler Missionen (AEM), partner organization of the Bund evangelischer Freikirchen (BeF) and is financed by donations.
Our Mission and Purpose
On behalf of Churches we send workers and help people in need, so that people from all nations follow Jesus.

Strategic mission: Send
We mobilize, equip and support workers to share the gospel and help people in need.
- We mobilize prayers, donors and workers by building trusting relationships and inspiring Christians for mission.
- We equip our workers by preparing and empowering them for their ministry, providing them with our infrastructure and enabling them to use their gifts accordingly.
- We support our workers through competent consultation, personal coaching and development.

Strategic mission: Help
Serving Jesus, we help people through charity, evangelism, discipleship, church development and investing in the next generation, so that people from all nations follow Jesus.
- Charity: We help people in existential and social hardships through humanitarian aid, facilities, and aid programs for the disadvantaged.
- Evangelism: We share the gospel with people to invite them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Discipleship: We help Christians to mature personally, grow spiritually and live a life of following Jesus Christ in everyday life.
- Church Development: We help Christians to become part of a Christian fellowship and to engage in local churches and use their gifts. We motivate and assist churches to plant new churches.
- Next Generation: We invest in the next generation of workers and leaders to help in a sustainable and holistic way.
Our Values
The following core values unite and guide us in our worldwide ministry:
Servant leadership grows out of a warm, personal, and committed relationship with Jesus. His will we want to know and follow in all things. Our actions are to be determined by love and grace.
Trust can grow where there is truthfulness. Our word must be relied upon and it must correspond to the truth. Our motivation should be sincere and our work transparent and verifiable.
We treat all people with respect and humility. All people are made in the image of the Creator and are equal before God. We do not want to take advantage of our fellow human beings, but everyone should experience appreciation and be used according to their strengths and talents. Everyone respects his counterpart more than himself.
God's idea is that many members form one body. God has not called us to be lone warriors, but to be a community in which one serves another and all complement each other. Mission work from church work should form one unit. We place great emphasis on various partnerships to achieve common goals together.
Our work shall be characterized by diligence and a servant attitude. We want to perform our tasks with care and conscientiousness.
We want to live and act responsibly before God and people. All our activities are about creating lasting value. Bringing the projects to the full responsibility of the local communities should be the goal of our work.
When the situation demands it, we want to boldly venture new paths and apply contemporary methods. We want to learn from mistakes. Through lifelong learning, we want to constantly improve and develop.