
Thank you for your support!

To All Nations is a faith-based ministry that trusts in God's care. We believe in a God who uses people to accomplish His purposes in this world. We are grateful for every donor who supports our work on a regular or occasional basis. Every supporter is part of our worldwide mission work!

«And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.»

Jesus in Matthew 19:29

Our employees are the most valuable resource in mission work! They have answered God's call and willingly left their comfort zone. They often commit their entire family to helping people in need. This is God's strategy for responding to the need in the world. He involves people in his mission. The ministry of our missionaries is funded by a donor base.

Donate now for a Missionary

A second pillar of our work is the work areas and projects. Each missionary creates space for encounters with God and others. Our projects and areas of work include, for example, day care centers, orphanages, schools, church planting projects, training work, discipleship training, humanitarian aid and evangelistic campaigns. The goal is to meet people in their need and make disciples of them. In order to do this work, many resources are needed

Donate now to projects

How is To All Nations funded?

To All Nations e.V. is a registered charity, recognized as a charitable and not-for-profit organization. As a faith-based organization, our staff and projects rely on donations to serve people worldwide. We are also happy to issue a donation receipt. Our staff at the Mission Headquarters enable and support mission work worldwide from Haus Wittgenstein in Bornheim, Germany. To cover the costs of coordination, personnel service, financial administration and public relations, 12% of each incoming donation is used.

As a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft evangelikaler Missionswerke (AeM), To All Nations adheres to the "Principles for the Use of Donated Funds" (Grundsätze für die Verwendung von Spendenmitteln).

©2025 To All Nations e.V.
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